(This is the yard sale chair, it's a terrible photo from a phone, but that's all I have to work with right now)
My orange trifle was a hit at church and I didn't bring much home but a few tuna sandwiches that we had left over. I only took those in case we needed them, and we had plenty but most of them still got eaten! I really enjoy the solemnity of the Wednesday night Lenten services. They really put me in a reflective and thankful mood. I will miss them when it's over after Easter.
The baby chicks are doing well, they have doubled in size it seems, and all their wing feathers growing fast. I love to hear them chirping happily, I think they are content, they have warmth, food and water and seem to be very active and healthy. I just love those little birds, the ones I think are Ameraucanas are so much more friendly and curious they don't seem to be afraid of my hands in the cage and will hop onto my palm. Today is there one week birthday! Happy Birthday Baby Chicks!
My son bought a new bed, and he gave his sister his other bed. So, now I have a twin bed and trundle in my dining room. I'm going to put it in my office and make a daybed out of it. It will give us some extra space if we should have a guest. I am thinking I might paint it and spruce it up eventually. But not right now I have enough on my plate. Some of my seeds I planted last weekend are sprouting, they are mixed flowers and herbs. I have them all planted in cute bowls, and a sugar and creamer set, and I can't wait to see them grow up and bloom. I put all my roses I bought out on the back porch last night. It started raining and I wanted them to get some of that before I plant them. The weather is warmer but its wet and rainy. I hope it clears up after today, I have a lot to get done outdoors.
I have been reading a lot of blogs and I love them all, it is so nice to get other peoples ideas, opinions and thoughts on things. I love all of them that I read and gain something from them every time. I am seeing my followers growing and I'm so pleased and excited. I have had my blog for sometime, and have been on and off about posting on it. But, to see people wanting to share in my thoughts and opinions, that just makes me feel happy! Welcome to all my new friends, I look forward to sharing and learning from each of your blogs too!
I should be off and getting busy with things, I want to work on my chair more this morning before I have to get busy with other things around the house. I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!